Study Project Management on the Gold Coast: Meet Your Trainer Lisa

Study Project Management on the Gold Coast: Meet Your Trainer Lisa

Lisa is the brilliant mind behind our Diploma of Leadership and Management and Diploma of Project Management courses at Mindroom. With her enthusiasm and intuitive teaching style, Lisa has become an inspiration for students embarking on their study journey.

A Visionary Educator

Lisa’s approach to teaching goes beyond the conventional boundaries of a classroom. She sees learning as a transformative journey, an experience that shapes not just academic success but also personal growth. Her intuitive understanding of each student’s unique needs sets her apart. Lisa creates an environment where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.

Infusing Positivity into Learning

Lisa’s classes are not just about acquiring knowledge; they are about embracing the joy of learning. Her zest for life is contagious, and it reflects in her teaching style. Lisa believes that a positive and encouraging atmosphere is crucial for effective learning. With her, students don’t just gain insights into leadership and project management; they also cultivate a mindset that empowers them to face challenges with confidence.

Empowering Through Confidence

Lisa’s mission is clearβ€”to instill confidence in her students. She understands that confidence is the key to unlocking one’s full potential. By creating a supportive and engaging learning environment, Lisa ensures that her students not only grasp the concepts of leadership and project management but also believe in their ability to apply this knowledge in real-world scenarios.

Personal Touch at Mindroom

Beyond being a fantastic trainer, Lisa is approachable and friendly. She’s a guide, ready to navigate the learning journey alongside her students.

Beyond the Classroom: Getting to Know Lisa

Lisa’s love for chocolate and wine is a testament to her appreciation for life’s simple pleasures. In a perfect world, she envisions combining these delights while immersed in a good book πŸ™‚

Lisa’s favourite quote: “Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists,” – Eckhart Tolle

Lisa is a motivator, and a mentor. Her commitment to creating an extraordinary learning journey is evident in every aspect of her teaching. If you’re ready to embark on a transformative educational experience in leadership and project management, Lisa is the guide you’ve been looking for.

Drop by Mindroom, say hello, and let the journey begin!

We offer the following courses to set you up for success!

BSB50820 – Diploma of Project Management
BSB50420 – Diploma of Leadership and Management

Do hou have questions about our courses?