Free Industry Training Courses with Study Sunshine Coast
Study Sunshine Coast is looking at running industry training courses this semester and asking for current Sunshine Coast students to register their interest.
Are you interested in completing industry training in CPR/First Aid or do you want to become a barista?
Find more details below and register your interest today!
Free First Aid and CPR training course
As part of the Study Sunshine Coast (SSC) Student Employability and Industry Engagement Program, the study cluster has offered free First Aid and CPR training to students in the past to help with their qualifications to gain work placements and also secure part-time work in the allied health industry. If you are a current student on the Sunshine Coast you can register your interest in participating in future free First Aid and CPR courses. Learn more and register your details below.
Free Barista Training Course
As part of the Study Sunshine Coast Student Employability and Industry Engagement Program, the study cluster has offered free industry training courses to students in the past to help with their qualifications to gain work placements and also secure part-time work on the Sunshine Coast. If you are a current student on the Sunshine Coast you can register your interest in participating in future free Barista Training courses. Learn more and register your details below.