About the Introduction to Ayurveda Workshop @ MI Space Gold Coast

About the Introduction to Ayurveda Workshop @ MI Space Gold Coast

The Introduction to Ayurveda Workshop was just amazing!

It was a delight to see what Ayurveda can do for us, and how it helps us to understand more about ourselves.

It is not a giant puzzle, neither the most complex science, on the other hand, it is simple and does make sense, but only when it is explained by someone like Rodrigo Pedrosanto. Again, thank you Rodrigo, for sharing your knowledge with us.

And thank you everyone who showed up.

The wisdom of Ayurveda can help you to create health and balance in your life. Keep spreading love & wellness. 

We are always offering activities to connect people and helping them to improve themselves. Keep an eye on all the workshops and events we promote.

Rodrigo Pedrosanto.