Throughout this unfolding crisis, we’ve seen various responses from businesses and individuals. Here at Mindroom, we decided to stand with our students through the thick and thin of this pandemic.

This page summarises our efforts to support students in all areas of life. We hope you will find it useful and we urge you to contact us and share your experience so that we can better tailor our response to this evolving new reality.

Read on to learn about everything we do for and with students. Get in touch today if you have any feedback at all.

Student Marketplace Website

This initiative is designed to get students involved in creating opportunities for themselves and for other students. Mindroom will support a team of four (4) students in gathering requirements, designing and developing a web platform for students to present their resumes and portfolios. We will assist students present their resumes and portfolios the best way possible, and students will assist each other as well. Collectively (Mindroom and students) will promote the website with business owners, recruitment agencies and any other potential employer, whether temporary or long-term. If you wish to be part of this project team, or are interested in more details:


Study Gold Coast and Study Sunshine Coast

We consult local and regional councils to learn how to better support students. We provide information to local government about what is happening with our students, and in return they advise us on how to best help our students. This is when we contact you with new information and ways to help.

Job Seek Assistance

We are looking for recruitment opportunities for students through recruiters and online ads⁠. We promote students’ businesses and initiatives⁠.

Online Delivery

All our courses are delivered online for the duration of the restrictions. The transition to Real-Time Virtual Class via Google Hangouts (Google Meet), also includes private support sessions to ensure students don’t fall behind. This will apply to both on-shore and offshore students. If you feel you are behind or can benefit from a private session with your trainer, don’t hesitate to contact them by email.

Tea and Talk

Every Wednesday we are running Tea and Talk sessions to check in with everyone and ensure we are all coping with the situation, and to discuss how to take care of ourselves in this challenging times. We also provide vital information about rent, food relief options, job opportunities and share the experience of students and staff as the circumstances change.


Learning never stops, so we are running special workshops online, bringing professionals and connoisseurs to share their knowledge and experience with our students.

Contact Us

Whether you are a student, an agent, an employer or any other interested party, we’d love to hear your input. Please contact us at [email protected] with any query or feedback.