6 reasons to become a graphic designer

6 reasons to become a graphic designer

Find out more about why you should become a qualified graphic designer:

Enjoy real flexibility – You have many options in how you want to work. Be a freelancer and work for many different companies, be a digital nomad and work from anywhere. Be a logo/branding focused designer and help companies achieve their full potential or work as a full-time employee for a big franchise helping them to communicate better. The point being, you can do as much as you like, and shape a career that suits your lifestyle and what you believe.

You do yourself – Yes, it’s one of the unique careers that allow you to have your own style and make some money out of it. You may not get it in your first client, but as the time pass, you will meet more clients who have a similar mindset and love your style. Through this journey, you can follow your passion and work on projects you believe and can put your full personality into it.

Make a real difference – Every work you do has a potential impact, as the saying goes, a picture paints a thousand words. The designer work is to solve problems, allowing the messages to be heard by the target audience. Your job here is to create content that change minds and shift perspectives, do no take it for granted, your visual communication can change people’s opinion and allow them to see new things! You can change the world!

Work on the digital world – We live in the digital era, web/mobile applications are on high demand, and more than never, we just hear about UI and UX. Its time to use your full potential, you already have the designer’s mind, why not use to create better user experiences with a  top-notch user interface. Your time is now, although the developing world is increasing, the need for top designers are higher than ever.

Bye-bye routine – Your days won’t be the same, you can be working on the same project, but at the same time delivering different content, or one day you are doing a gym social media post, another you could be developing an entire campaign for a health care company.

It is a fun environment – Most of the new design studios are cool, vibrant and have a relaxing coworking area. You don’t like wearing suits and social clothes, well this workplace is for you, although we all have deadlines to achieve and projects to deliver, it allows you to be yourself, uses your style and work on your own time. Why not having fun while working, right?